
Services for Men

Aquablation Therapy

Bladder Cancer

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)


Kidney Health

Male Infertility

Prostate Cancer


Urinary Incontinence

Urinary Tract Infection



Services for Women


A vasectomy is a permanent form of male birth control. During the procedure, the supply of sperm to semen is prevented by cutting and sealing the tubes (vas deferens) that transport sperm. The surgery typically takes about 20 to 30 minutes, and is performed using a local anesthetic.

A vasectomy is a great birth control solution for men who are certain they do not want to father any children. It is nearly 100% effective at preventing pregnancy, and is less expensive than tubal ligation.

Serious complications are rare. Possible side effects following surgery include swelling, pain and bruising, which should get better within a few days.

Vasectomy Reversal

During a vasectomy reversal, the tubes that transport sperm from the testicles into semen is re-connected. If the surgery is successful, you’ll be able to father children. While this procedure works for most men, for some it is not successful. The surgery can be performed several years after the original vasectomy, however; in this case, it is less likely to be successful.

Vasectomy reversals are more complex than vasectomies, and can be expensive. Complications are rare and include:

  • Infection at the surgery site
  • Bleeding within the scrotum
  • Chronic scrotum pain

After about six weeks, your urologist will examine your semen under a microscope to see if the vasectomy reversal was successful. If the vasectomy reversal was not successful the first time, some men have the surgery again.